Evening Light

David Shepherd


david shepherd original, evening light, landscape, painting

Evening Light
Original Painting

An Elm tree against a stormy sky
Oil on canvas
Signed lower right
Image size (44cm x 55cm) 17.5" x 22"
The evening light as it reflects across the countryside in the south of England.
A beautiful, well executed landscape, painted in the early days of David's career
Most likely in or around the Surrey or Sussex area, where he lived during this period.
With the sunlight breaking through the clouds and producing a marvellous effect across the landscape.
This minimalist style of painting is almost contemporary in nature.
We can see the shadow of the clouds moving across the field.
Framed in a traditional English handmade frame, always used by David Shepherd to frame his original work.
Studio open 7 days a week!
Viewing by appointment

Astronomers define the three stages of twilight on the basis of how far the Sun is below the horizon.
The morning twilight is often called dawn, while the evening twilight is also known as dusk.
Two artists whose work we specialise in. apart from David Shepherd, are...artist L.S.Lowry.
His work has become increasingly sought after these days, his work is not only a record of times past,
but also works very well in today's minmalist contemporary interiors.
Sir William Russell Flint.
All three artists are highly regarded as the finest amongst their specialist subjects.
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