The Curio Shop, 2, London
Original Painting

David Shepherd


david shepherd original, The Curio Shop2 , London, painting

The Curio Shop, 2, London
Original Oil Painting on Canvas
Image size:- 12in x 15in (30cm x 40cm)
oil on canvas, signed and dated 1955.
When a suitable area and subject was found, David Shepherd would often paint more than one scene from the same area,
and it is only by meticulously analysing the smallest details that it can be seen there are in fact many differences in the paintings
This was a favourite area for David Shepherd to produce some of his finest stree scenes.
It is quite rare to find two such paintings, as they have usually been in private collections for many years
Here we an see an old antique shop selling brass ware, and compare it with his painting above.