The old stamping machine, shown beneath, was used from 1847 until 1973 to place the embossed stamp
on Limited Editions which had been approved by the Stamping Committee, later known as the Approval Committee.
It was ensured that all unstamped copies of the edition were destroyed as well as the means of reproduction
so that no further copies could be made. There was a maximum edition size of 850 prints, though some editions
were smaller.

The electric machine that was used until recently to stamp Guild approved Limited Editions had three wheels.
On each there were ten letters "A" "E" "C" "D" "E" "F" "H" "J" "K" "L"
(no "G" in order to avoid confusion with "J")
Before the electric machine, the prints were stamped manually, and the letters on the wheels changed
Sadly, the Fine Art Trade Guild have lost the records of which letters were used and during which period.
Below is the translation of the coding system into numerical equivalents.
An early Guild stamp 1847-1973

A more recent Guild stamp 1973-2003

A watercolourist, of great renown in the world of art is Sir William Russell Flint; A large collection of his published work can be viewed at this
site .
We stock hundreds of this artist's signed limited edition prints and always a fine selection of his original watercolour paintings.
In the heart of Sir William Russell Flint country, deep in south west France, near to the beautiful towns of Brantome
and Perigueux is a House to let in France
read here offering complete tranquility and relaxation.
For those who appreciate the wildlife of Africa, India and Britain, prints and paintings by David Shepherd
The work of L.S. Lowry has become some of the most sought after in British history; his paintings and signed prints
visit here , are achieving record prices in the artworld,
made even more collectable due to the rarity of the work and the relatively few signed limited edition prints that have been published.
If you would like to visit the studio in Nottinghamshire, (Saturdays and Sundays are fine too) Please call 01623 799 309
We have a collection of over 500 David Shepherd signed limited edition prints and original paintings for sale.
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David Shepherd prints for sale