Wildlife Art

David Shepherd


We will endeavour to better any quote and give you the finest possible service
99.9% of signed, limited editions shown below are in stock, although we usually have only one print of each title
For prices and information please call us 01623 799 309 or email administrator@davidshepherd.com

Signed, limited edition prints, Wildlife of the world
davidshepherd pandas pencil david shepherd cheetah sketch davidshepherd elephants sketch davidshepherd-tigersketch Panda sketch Cheetah, pencil drawing Elephants, pencil drawing Tigers, pencil drawing Signed, print Signed, print Signed, print Signed limited edition print shepherd last refuge silk screen signed print davidshepherd pandas of wolong davidshepherd koalas upagumtree davidshepherd-koala 'The Last Refuge' Pandas of Wolong Up a Gum Tree "Koala" silkscreen print Signed, limited edition print Signed, print Signed limited edition print david shepherd waterhole trilogy davidshepherd high and mighty giraffes The Water-hole Trilogy High and Mighty Signed, print Signed, print zebra signed print davidshepherd zebras and colony weavers davidshepherd after the rain david shepherd elephant seals signed print Zebra, mother and foal, Etosha 'Zebras and Colony weavers' After the rain Elephant Seals Signed, print Signed, print Signed, print Signed, print shepherd In the Thick Stuff egrets and friends davidshepherd-hotsprings david shepherd masai signed print "In the thick stuff" Egrets and Friends American Bison The Masai Signed, print Signed, print David Shepherd Signed, print kudu africanafternoon davidshepherd-arabianoryx davidshepherd-greaterkudu Kudu African Afternoon Arabian Oryx Greater Kudu limited edition Signed, print Signed, print David Shepherd signed print polar bear country davidshepherd-lonelyvigil david shepherd lone wanderers of the arctic polar bear print Polar Bear Country Lonely Vigil Lone Wanderers of the Arctic Signed, print Signed, print Signed, print signed print arctic foxes davidshepherd-mountainlion shepherd ice wilderness polar bear print Arctic Foxes Mountain Lion silkscreen Ice Wilderness Signed, print by David Shepherd Signed limited edition print david shepherd Orang-utans print davidshepherd-lowlandgorillas davidshepherd-mountaingorillasofrwanda davidshepherd-inthemistsofrwanda Men of the Woods, Orang-Utans Lowland Gorillas (silkscreen) Mountain gorillas of Rwanda In the mists of Rwanda Image size 17" x 27" Image size 14" x 21" Image size 27" x 18" Silkscreen published 2004 hot potami hippo print shepherd sunday best hippo print david shepherd Happy Hippo print davidshepherd-babygorilla Hot Potami Sunday Best Happy Hippo Baby Gorilla Signed, print Signed, print Signed, print signed, limited edition print david shepherd signed print rhino reverie davidshepherd-indianrhino davidshepherd-rhinobeware davidshepherd-black-rhino Rhino Reverie Indian Rhino Rhino Beware Black Rhino cameo Signed, print Signed, print Signed, print signed, limited edition Signed, limited edition prints, British wildlife and landscapes
david shepherd signed print whisky davidshepherd-countrycousins davidshepherd-highlandcattle davidshepherd-fredafterhisshampoo Whisky the farmyard cat Country cousins Highland Cattle Fred after his Shampoo david shepherd signed print muscovy ducks shepherd life goes on print davidshepherd-roosters davidshepherd-eggssixpenceadozen Muscovy Ducks Life goes on Sept.'40 Roosters Eggs sixpence a dozen Signed, limited edition print Signed, limited edition print Signed, limited edition print Signed, limited edition print david shepherd signed print while the sun shines davidshepherd-lunchbreak david shepherd this england davidshepherd-mrspandthekids While the sun shines The Lunchbreak This England Mrs P and the kids Signed, print Signed, print Signed, print signed, limited edition print david shepherd old bens davidshepherd-lastleavesofautumn shepherd captain and sergeant thefirst furrows of autumn davidshepherd-orphans Old Ben's cottage 'Last leaves of Autumn' Captain and Sergeant The Orphans signed limited edition Published 1987 the first furrows of Autumn Signed, limited edition david shepherd signed printgrannie's kitchen davidshepherd-grandpasworkshop shepherd Clockmender's Cat davidshepherd-playtime Grannie's Kitchen Grandpa's Workshop The Clockmender's Cat Playtime Signed print signed, limited edition Signed print signed limited edition David Shepherd David Shepherd David Shepherd David Shepherd david shepherd signed print ladybird davidshepherd-teddy davidshepherd-biscuits davidshepherd-cottagecompanions Is it a Ladybird? 'But teddy doesn't need a ticket' Biscuits 'Cottage companions' Signed, limited edition print Signed, limited edition print Signed, limited edition print Signed, limited edition davidshepherd-happyhomefordonkeys david shepherd donkeys david shepherd donkey talk davidshepherd-winterfoxes-davidshepherd Happy home for Donkeys Donkeys Donkeytalk Winter Foxes Signed, limited edition print Signed, limited edition print Signed, limited edition print Signed, limited edition print david shepherd signed print plough team david shepherd summer time david shepherd captain and sergeant david shepherd porkers Plough Team Summertime Captain and Sergeant "Porkers" Signed, print Signed, print Signed, print signed, limited edition print david shepherd signed print shampoo time david shepherd old forge david shepherd jimmys forges davidshepherd-spring ploughing Shampoo Time 'The Old Forge' Jimmy's Forge "Spring Ploughing" Signed, limited edition print Signed, limited edition print Signed, limited edition print Signed, limited edition David Shepherd D. Shepherd David Shepherd D.Shepherd signed printshelties david shepherd david shepherd high noon david shepherd shoeing time shepherd lazy hazy days horses signed print 'Shelties' High Noon 'Shoeing Time' Lazy hazy days Signed, print Signed, print Signed, print signed, limited edition print david shepherd hedgehog david shepherd harvest mouse david shepherd water vole signed shepherd foal 'Baby Hedgehog' 'Harvest Mouse' The Water Vole "When I grow up... Signed, print Signed, print Signed, print signed, limited edition print baby tawny print davidshepherd-Nuts shepherd duckling print ziggy david shepherd dog haggis print davidshepherd-muffin 'Baby Tawny Owl' 'Nuts' "Ziggy" "Haggis of Battersea" "Muffin" Signed, print Signed, print Signed, print signed, limited edition print David Shepherd david shepherd highland cattle david shepherd Prince signed limited edition print highland mist badgers signed Highland Cattle Prince of Rannoch Moor Highland Mist "Badgers" Signed, print Signed, print Signed, print signed, limited edition Signed, limited edition prints, Aviation
davidshepherd-winterof43 davidshepherd-lifegoeson immortal hero Winter of '43 'Life goes on, Sept1940' "Immortal Hero" Signed, print Signed, print signed, limited edition print Signed, limited edition prints, Steam Trains
scotsman34-davidshepherd heavyfreight-davidshepherd print on shed Scotsman '34 Heavy Freight '67 Over the Forth Signed, limited edition print Signed, limited edition print David Shepherd davidshepherd-blackfive davidshepherd-giantsatrest  wilesden shed Black Five Country Giants at rest Wilsden Shed signed print signed, limited edition print signed, limited edition print davidshepherd-zambezisawmill davidshepherd-onthesubnigelmine davidshepherd-guildfordsteamsheds Zambezi sawmills railway On the sub nigel mine Guildford steam sheds Signed, print limited edition set of 3 signed, limited edition Signed, print limited edition prints Signed, limited edition prints, Military
davidshepherd-alamein davidshepherd-ark davidshepherd-Glory shepherd signed print checkpoint at forkhill 'Alamein' 'The Ark turning into wind' 'Glory Days' Check point at Fork Hill David Shepherd Signed, print David Shepherd Signed print Big Cats
World wildlife